约翰P. 可以忍受,Ph值.D.


约翰可以忍受 is an associate professor of 现代欧洲an history. His research and teaching focus on the movements of people and diseases around the world.

In 2020, his prize-winning dissertation was published as a book titled 流亡海外: German and Mennonite Mythologies in a Transnational Age,剑桥大学出版社出版. This work was supported by the German Historical Institute-Washington DC, the Berlin Program for 先进的 German and European Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin, 德国科学院(DAAD), 宗教研究协会, 门诺派历史协会, 以及爱荷华大学. It received five book awards and was reviewed in eight publications.

他目前的项目, 《十大网投平台信誉排行榜》, the Plague Within: A Cultural History of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic in Europe,” compares the cultural impact of the 1918 flu pandemic across ten European countries using 1,000名幸存者的第一手资料. This work is supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities (Fellowship and Summer Stipend), Project House Europe at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, 弗莱堡高等研究院, 美国学术团体理事会, 和十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校.


Eicher’s teaching interests include the histories of modern Germany, 德属大西洋世界, 现代欧洲, 欧洲的民族主义, 欧洲殖民主义, 欧洲宗教文化, 现代拉丁美洲, 迁移/位移, 种族/民族, 以及疾病/公共卫生.

在他的课程中, students use historical research to develop their discussion, 写作, and citizenship skills with the aim of understanding that historical scholarship is a dialogue between scholars, 以及学术界和公众之间的关系. 在一般情况下, Eicher’s approach to teaching shows students how historians “do history,” even as it prepares them to be engaged scholars and citizens.



  • 德裔美国:最大的少数民族
  • 1848年以来的欧洲
  • 西医史
  • 现代拉丁美洲,1820年至今
  • 西方遗产II, 1500年至今


  • 民族主义时代的欧洲
  • First World War: Art, Memory, and the (Re)Making of History
  • 德意志以外的德国人,1500-1918
  • 历史、神话和叙事
  • 历史与记忆中的大屠杀
  • 现代欧洲的移民和难民,1917-2011
  • 《二十世纪的欧洲:冷战及其后


十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 history professor to offer lecture series (August 4, 2023)

教师 member receives NEH Fellowship for research on 1918 Spanish flu (April 26, 2023)

十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 history professor receives fellowship (January 17, 2023)

Book by 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 history professor receives three awards (October 15, 2021)

阿尔图纳 professor to offer webinar on 1918 Spanish flu (January 21, 2021)


阿尔图纳 history professor awarded Project Development Grant (May 13, 2020)

阿尔图纳 history professor publishes book, wins fellowship (March 10, 2020)

约翰可以忍受 receives Spriestersbach Dissertation Prize (April 2, 2018)

可以忍受的书, 流亡海外, compares two groups of German-speaking Mennonites from Russia. One group was composed of voluntary migrants and the other was composed of refugees. The voluntary migrants traveled from Imperial Russia to Canada in 1870, 1927年从加拿大到巴拉圭. The refugees traveled from Soviet Russia to Germany in 1929, and from Germany to Paraguay in 1930. Settling next to each other in Paraguay’s Gran Chaco, the voluntary migrants established the Menno Colony and the refugees established the Fernheim Colony. 尽管这些群体使用相同的语言, 宗教, 和祖先, they refused to associate with each other for nearly two decades. While the Menno Colony remained isolated from the modern world, the Fernheim Colony proselytized to their indigenous neighbors, aided the Paraguayan government during the Chaco War (1932-1935), 得到了北美和德国的援助, and endeared themselves to the Nazi Party in Germany. 流亡海外 contrasts these dramatic case studies to shed light on how migrants and refugees negotiate loyalties to domestic and foreign governments, 援助组织, 同, 以及其他流动人口. 更广泛地说, it shows how mobile populations use (and abandon) national, 宗教, 以及种族认同来帮助他们的运动.

艾彻目前的项目, 《十大网投平台信誉排行榜》, the Plague Within” is the first cultural study of the 1918 influenza pandemic in Europe. It is also the first study to compare average Europeans’ understandings of healthcare during the pandemic, 他们对疾病成因的看法, 他们认为流感是全球性事件, and the experiences of both 城市和农村 survivors. Accompanied by common strains of bacterial pneumonia, the 1918 flu sickened over a billion people and killed upwards of 100 million individuals worldwide. 值得注意的是, the pandemic occurred amidst Europe’s increasingly urbanized and “rational” social landscape, and in the final months of a global war that had already taken the lives of twenty million people. 这个项目动用了将近1亿人的资金,000名流感幸存者的证词, 来自10个欧洲国家, to understand Europeans’ impressions of healthcare and disease at the beginning of Western medicine’s “golden age” and amidst the aftermath of the First World War. Using quantitative analysis for qualitative interpretation, 它描述了男人和女人的经历, 年轻人和老年人, 富人和穷人, 城市和农村, 在一系列的职业中, from nurses and professors to milkmaids and gravediggers.


流亡海外: German and Mennonite Mythologies in a Transnational Age. 剑桥,英国:剑桥大学出版社,2020.

“Rustic Reich: Nazi Impressions of South America’s German-Speaking Enclaves.” Comparative Studies in Society and History 60, no. 4 (2018): 998-1028.

“比较叙述: Russlanddeutsch 移民的故事.” In Jenseits der "Volksgruppe": Neue Perspektiven auf die Russlanddeutschen zwischen Russland, 德国和美国. Edited by Victor Dönninghaus, Jannis Panagiotidis, and Hans-Christian Petersen. 柏林:De Gruyter, 2017.

“A Sort of 首页coming: The German Refugee Crisis of 1929.” 《信誉最好的大网投平台》 40:2 (2017).

“家家自食其力”?: Iowa’s Mennonite Farm Communities and the 1980s Farm Crisis.” 门诺派研究杂志 35 (2017).